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Meet Dr. John Kavanaugh

Dr. John Kavanaugh profile photoDr. John has been passionate about providing the East Hampton and surrounding community members with treatment for over 25 years. At Kavanaugh Chiropractic we welcome patients of every age and occupation. We enthusiastically cater to the needs of each patient, from babies and young professionals to weekend warriors and those entering their golden years. We pride ourselves on a sincerely caring, mind-body approach.


The Greatest Decision I Ever Made

Dr. John was an athlete and lacrosse player for 20 years. During his years of involvement in this full-contact sport, he suffered from chronic low back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness and a compromised immune system.

Once I began to receive chiropractic adjustments my health improved dramatically. I made the decision to become a chiropractor and to help others as I was helped. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. I love helping people get well, it is my life’s mission.

-Dr. Kavanaugh

Dr. John has a doctorate of Chiropractic from Life University in Georgia and a business degree from St. John’s University, NY.

I Love My Work

You’ll be hard pressed to find someone more enthusiastic about his work than Dr. John. He approaches his patients with love, compassion and kindness. He is confident and committed in his ability to help others.

He is an upper cervical master adjuster. He corrects full spinal misalignments causing pressure on nerves and blocking nervous system messaging to the body. Dr. John helps with:

  • Neck and Back Pain
  • Numbness and Tingling
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Sciatica
  • Allergies
  • Infertility
  • Sports Injuries
  • Auto Accident Symptoms
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Arthritis
  • Childhood Illness and Injury

On a Personal Note

Dr. John is a father of four wonderful children. He and his family enjoy surfing, cycling and experiencing the East End’s magnificent outdoors.

Dr. John is also a lifelong chiropractic patient himself, receiving adjustments on a regular basis to keep his health at an optimal level.

It’s amazing how simple it all is. If we each took just a few moments each day to dedicate to our health, we’d find that well-being and greatness would be our ultimate reward.

-Dr. Kavanaugh

Contact Us

At Kavanaugh Chiropractic we help patients navigate through pain, and illness and a decline in health in order to lead richer, more active lives. We feel confident that we can help, contact us today!


Dr. John Kavanaugh | (631) 329-5994

Kavanaugh Chiropractic